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How it all Began ANCHORAGE:

In January of 2014 there was a group of us who attended a 3dm conference. The purpose of this conference was to help equip the Church in practical ways for building a discipling culture. On the final night of the conference this group was invited to a mock Missional Community group where they had the opportunity to witness a gathering of believers in ways that they had never seen before. It was a beautiful picture of local missionaries gathered to worship our God, enjoy fellowship through breaking bread and prayers, and receive encouragement to continue to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in our specific and unique missional frontiers.


From that gathering came the birth of ACTS 247 in Anchorage, Alaska. They knew that we wanted to be on mission and they knew that they had to do that in the context of becoming a family on mission. As a result, that group began to meet together on Sunday nights to Worship God through song and Gospel-centered teaching. They began to see a fellowship that extended beyond the walls of the Church, and God created a culture of missionaries that desires to reach into the darkest places of our city to shine the light of Jesus Christ.


When the Anchorage Acts church first began, their goal was to partner with the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center and reach the men with the Gospel of Christ. They realized very quickly that the men were hungry for the Gospel and they desired to see the people of their past experience the same life giving fruit that they had. “As the faith of these men increased our area of influence has been greatly enlarged, and we are now able to preach the gospel to lands far beyond the Salvation Army” (2 Corinthians 10:15-16).


TODAY Acts 247 Recovery church has grown into 3 separate churches: Anchorage, Soldotna, and most recently Wasilla. It is our desire to reach those who are afflicted by helping them to see the realities of Gospel Restoration in all areas of their lives. We believe that in doing so we may present those who are broken before the God of all comfort, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the same comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God (2 Corinthians 1:4). 


What began as a group of 8 misfits in a living room, God has birthed into a thriving community of people who have been addicted, abandoned, alone, and abused; as well as life-long churchgoers. This mission has expanded to Soldotna and Wasilla as well! The common theme in our communities is that we are all in recovery and WE DO RECOVER through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  


Soldotna's beginnings:

Acts SOLDOTNA started in October of 2018 in one of our living rooms. God blessed us with a great relationship with Freedom House also in Soldotna. Ministering to the residents coming through both the women's and men's homes continues to be a missional focus of our church family. 


We were so blessed by Acts Anchorage helping launch us and walk us through the planting of the Soldotna church. Main gatherings started in early 2019 and we continue these basic patterns of main gatherings of all house churches together on the 2nd and 4th Sunday's each month (at Peninsula Grace Church (44175 K-Beach Rd) and then smaller gatherings of house churches on the 1st and 3rd Sunday's each month (more info on house churches here).


We believe in making disciples who make disciples are done best in intentional relational house church environments where we do life and ministry together. Therefore, you will find that the majority of Acts Soldotna takes place in these house church communities. 


Missionally we focus on Freedom House, homeless ministry, and Wildwood Correctional Facility... as well as all those that God places in our daily lives. It's been a joy to see Jesus save people from the darkest of backgrounds and see Him grow them through discipleship into disciple making disciples themselves! Glory to God!


Get connected:


or Derek @ 907-420-7143

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